A Simple Idea To Enhance Your Team Skills

Regular learning for any team is important. But generally, due to lack of time, we often forget to work on this aspect. Often, you don’t find good people who can upgrade the knowledge of your team. While running my organisation, I’ve figured out a good solution to this.

Each member in my team has some or the other quality that makes him/her better than others. In every organization the situation is similar. All you have to do is, find out where an individual can lead.

If I take an example of my own office, we have a very good team of content writers and social media managers. All of them are very good with their work, but I have noticed that Sakshi in my team is very good in designing creatives on Canva. When our designers are busy, she uses Canva and makes beautiful graphical content for various platforms.

Nitin is better than any one of them, when it comes to using words for writing content. He quickly understands the need of the client and writes to the point. Vipul on the other hand is good with time management. He is punctual, never forgets any of his tasks and all his work is systematic.

Sheena is amazing at handling clients. She doesn’t need any CRM for handling her clients.  She puts the pressure off me and manages clients perfectly.

I had four people in my office, doing the same work, but they all excelled in different qualities. I simply asked them if they can teach their strong skills to other members.  They all agreed and each one of them took a session with others on their working style. Their small and effective tips helped a lot rest of the team a lot. Now all my team members are better at using Canva. Their writing got better and they understood situations better and used better words in their content. Managing time got better in all of them and also their client handling skills were more efficient. 

My team’s skills and output got better by through them only and they’re happy about this too. We now conduct sessions on a monthly basis and mutually improve our skills in all departments.

This method will help your organization in a lot of other ways like:

  • You’ll appreciate your team member’s quality work which will boost his/her moral and give him positive vibes for the company.
  • The team members will work more on their strong points, so that they can continue to prove themselves as the best in their skill.
  • In this process, you will create leaders in your team, which is one of the most important things in any company.
  • The rest of the team members will also get influenced and will work harder on their skills so that they can get a chance to lead and contribute.
  • The team members would be less hesitant to take up challenges and responsibilities when it’s in their area of expertise.

This process will be a great fix for your team.  In a long run, you will have trainers for all the departments within your team. Start finding that one quality which is better than others in every team member of yours and then encourage him or her to share it with others.

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